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Make Jealous! If You Go to Korea, Raffi Ahmad Revealed Choi Siwon Will Treat Him at the Restaurant

Make Jealous! If You Go to Korea, Raffi Ahmad Revealed Choi Siwon Will Treat Him at the Restaurant Choi Siwon - Raffi Ahmad - Nagita Slavina @ - Some time ago, Raffi Ahmad caused a sensation because he could invite Super Junior member Choi Siwon to his house. It was later revealed that the two of them were actually friends.

The closeness between Raffi Ahmad and Choi Siwon began when the husband of Nagita Slavina went on vacation to South Korea. From there, they started following each other on Instagram. Interestingly, Raffi initially thought that their communication was just casual.

"(After meeting in Korea) we started following each other on Instagram. He said that if there's anything, I can DM him. Well, I thought it was just casual, but it turns out he replied when I DM him. He's an international artist, but he's so kind," said Raffi quoted in a live session on CGV Cinemas' Instagram, last Saturday (1/5) week.

1. Thought He Wouldn't Come

Raffi Ahmad then revealed the chronology of how Choi Siwon came to his house. What caused a stir was that the singer of the song Sorry Sorry came without tight security and was only accompanied by his manager.

"He said that if he came to Jakarta, he would inform me. When he arrived in Jakarta, he really informed me. He had one TV show because he became a brand ambassador for a certain noodle brand. But because of COVID, the event was postponed. So I asked him, 'What are you doing then?', he said, 'Nothing'. I jokingly said, 'Well, come to my house tomorrow'. He said, 'Okay'. I thought it was just small talk, but then his management contacted my management. I thought he wouldn't come, but it turned out he came to the house," explained Raffi.

2. Promise to Treat

After returning from Raffi Ahmad's residence, Choi Siwon invited Raffathar Malik Ahmad's father to visit South Korea. The man born in Jamsil-dong, Seoul, said he would treat Raffi and his family at his restaurant.

"When we go to Korea, he wants to treat us at his restaurant, he has one," said Raffi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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