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Making Their Child Happy, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah Give Full Love to Their Precious One

Making Their Child Happy, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah Give Full Love to Their Precious One Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah divorce © - Amidst the household issues of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, the condition of their children has become the concern of many people. Jordi Onsu, Ruben's brother, explained the situation of his nieces, Thalia and Thania, and Betrand Peto or Onyo.

According to Jordi, Thalia and Thania still receive full love from both of their parents.

"Thalia and Thania are happy and do not lack love from their father and mother, they lack nothing," said Jordi Onsu when met at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Sunday (16/6/2024).

1. Focus on Betrand Peto

Jordi Onsu is also focusing on the condition of Betrand Peto. According to him, Betrand, who is 19 years old, is no longer a child and can understand the situation around him.

This first child of Ruben Onsu often receives negative comments from netizens, which can affect his emotional and psychological state.

"My focus is Onyo (Betrand Peto), for him, he is already 19 years old, there are many news beyond limits. Onyo is not a child anymore, he is also a public figure, so it's a risk for him to be observed," he said.

2. Don't Exaggerate the Comments

As a public figure, Betrand Peto often has to face excessive comments from netizens. Jordi Onsu advises netizens not to give excessive comments to his nephew.

"You can comment, but don't exaggerate. Onyo is also a human, he has a heart and feelings, he can cry and read," said Jordi Onsu.

3. Betrand Peto to Psychologist

Jordi Onsu said that all three of Ruben's children, including Betrand Peto, are receiving help from their respective psychologists. This step was taken because they often receive negative comments from netizens.

"How difficult it is for Onyo to socialize with friends who can read the news, Onyo needs attention," he said.

"All three of Ruben's children have their own psychologists, because of the comments from netizens which, in my opinion, don't need to comment if they want to say something bad," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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