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Manga 'Tougen Anki' Will Be Adapted into Anime, Check out the Synopsis and Release Date!

Manga 'Tougen Anki' Will Be Adapted into Anime, Check out the Synopsis and Release Date! Teaser Anime TOUGEN ANKI (credit: - Written by: Lily Ariani

Good news for fans of the manga Tougen Anki! The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. The manga Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood will be adapted into an anime. This announcement was officially made along with the launch of the teaser trailer via YouTube on Monday (7/5).

Tougen Anki is a manga created by Yura Urushibara, which was published in Weekly Shonen Champion AKITASHOTEN. Since its first release in June 2020, the manga Tougen Anki has been printed in over 3 million copies. The story itself is based on a Japanese folk tale called Momotaro.

The anime TOUGEN ANKI will be the second part of the Tougen Anki Project. Meanwhile, the first part is a stage play that was launched in June 2023. This drama is starred by Japanese actor Alan Abe and will continue to a sequel set in January 2025.

The distribution company REMOW announced that the anime TOUGEN ANKI is scheduled to air in January 2025. In addition to the teaser trailer, REMOW also released the synopsis, character list, and voice cast. More information can be found below!

1. Synopsis of TOUGEN ANKI

From generation to generation, the blood of Oni and Momotaro has been passed down to certain humans. In the past, the Oni would isolate themselves because they were aware of their ferocity. However, everything changed when Momotaro attacked. Both of them were involved in a conflict that lasted for thousands of years.

After being attacked by Momotaro, Shiki Ichinose quickly realizes that he has Oni blood. Shiki then begins to walk the path of his destiny. He meets the Oni figure that resides within him.

2. List of Characters and Voice Actors

In addition to the teaser trailer, key visual, and list of characters have also been revealed. Here is a list of characters that will appear in the anime TOUGEN ANKI.

  1. Shiki Ichinose

Voice Actor: Kazuki Ura

Shiki Ichinose is the main protagonist in the story of Tougen Anki. Shiki's life changes 180 degrees after being attacked by Momotaro. After realizing that he is a descendant of the Oni, Shiki enrolls at Rasetsu Academy, a special school to train the Oni.

  1. Naito Mudano

Voice Actor: Hiroshi Kamiya

Naito Mudano is an instructor at Rasetsu Academy. He is a rational person. In addition, Naito also hates inefficiency and wastefulness.

  1. Jin Kougasaki

Voice Actor: Koutaro Nishiyama

Koutaro Nishiyama is Shiki's friend at Rasetsu Academy. He is always seen wearing a black mask. Although Shiki and Koutaro are friends, they often have conflicts.

3. Watch TOUGEN ANKI Trailer

To not miss out, don't forget to watch the TOUGEN ANKI anime trailer below!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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