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Marsha Aruan and El Rumi Break Up Because of Different Religions, Maia Estianty: That's the Hardest Thing

Marsha Aruan and El Rumi Break Up Because of Different Religions, Maia Estianty: That's the Hardest Thing Maia Estianty, El Rumi, Marsha Aruan (credit: - - The romantic relationship between Marsha Aruan and El Rumi, who were in a long-distance relationship, unfortunately had to end in the middle. Many netizens were disappointed with the breakup of El and Marsha because they were considered so compatible.

The difference in religion between El and Marsha was mentioned as the main factor for this young celebrity couple to end their relationship. Recently, Maia Estianty finally spoke up about the end of her son's love story.

1. Separation Due to Different Religions

In the latest vlog uploaded on the Youtube channel ALELDUL FAM TV, Maia Estianty is seen chatting with Marsha Aruan. On that occasion, Maia then mentioned the reason for El and Marsha's breakup.

"Many netizens wonder if you two are actually very compatible but maybe (because) religious issues caused you to separate, so that's actually the most difficult thing," said Maia.

"Once it gets there, it's already difficult," added Marsha Aruan, who seemed upset.

2. A Problem for the Majority of People

Seeing the situation experienced by El and Marsha, Maia even likened their romance to loving someone who is already someone else's partner. Moreover, religious differences are indeed a complicated issue for the majority of people.

"It's like loving someone who 'oh, I really like him but he's someone else's husband.' Or 'oh, I really like him but his religion is different,' because for the majority of people, that's a problem, so let it be," said Maia.

3. Many Lessons

Although her relationship with El had to end, Marsha herself admitted that she could take away many lessons. She seemed to surrender herself and hoped that there would be something better waiting for them in the future.

"But there are many lessons to be learned. Maybe it has to be like this for a better future. We never know," Marsha concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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