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Mayangsari's Moment Inviting Her Socialite Gang to Her Hometown, Invited to Eat Cenil

Mayangsari's Moment Inviting Her Socialite Gang to Her Hometown, Invited to Eat Cenil

Celebrity Activities

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Mayangsari's Moment Inviting Her Socialite Gang to Her Hometown, Invited to Eat Cenil

Not long ago, Mayangsari invited her gang to her hometown in Purwokerto. The wife of Bambang Trihatmodjo traveled there by train with 30 of her friends.

Upon arrival, Mayangsari took them for culinary and nature tourism. Even though it was only for a day, everyone seemed to enjoy it. Moreover, souvenirs were also bought for the family at home.


After the souvenirs were in hand, they returned happily. Mayangsari's gang is really united.


"Thank you, dear friends, for coming to my beloved hometown in Purwokerto for a day. It was so much fun, so lively, so enjoyable, full stomachs, open mouths, endless chewing. You guys are amazing," Mayangsari expressed on Instagram.



Before returning home, they bought some souvenirs. Of course, for the family at home.


They also enjoyed the natural attractions there, such as in the pine forest. They didn't forget to buy batik, which also became their short vacation destination.


The Mayangsari social group also expressed their joy with the invitation they received. Although the vacation felt short, only one day.


In Purwokerto, Mayangsari introduced various delicious culinary delights. Starting from traditional snacks such as mendoan, cenil, lupis, and klepon.


This is the happy moment when Mayangsari invited her friends to vacation in Purwokerto. Ussy Sulistiawaty and Marini Zumarnis were also seen.