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Mention Agnez Mo Regarding the Royalty Case, Ahmad Dhani: Just Omon-omon

Mention Agnez Mo Regarding the Royalty Case, Ahmad Dhani: Just Omon-omon Ahmad Dhani and Ari Bias © YouTube/Deddy Corbuzier - Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Indonesian music industry, a heated debate has emerged between two big names: Ahmad Dhani and Agnez Mo. The royalty dispute involving Agnez Mo and songwriter Ari Bias has become the focus, especially after Dhani's statement that he believes Agnez talks more 'omon-omon' than providing evidence in court. In Deddy Corbuzier's podcast, Dhani firmly stated that Agnez is on the wrong side.

In the discussion, Dhani stated, "So if wrong, it must be faced. So according to you, Agnez is wrong?" Deddy confirmed, and Dhani did not hesitate to answer, "Wrong." According to him, Agnez's mistake lies in her choice to speak in podcasts rather than appear in court. He emphasized the importance of being present in court to defend oneself.

1. Ahmad Dhani Calls Agnez Just Empty Talk

Dhani revealed that the judge has declared Agnez guilty for not attending the court. "If she feels this is important, she should have come. Instead of just talking nonsense on your podcast, because everything she said has no evidence," Dhani stated. According to him, in court, one cannot just speak without strong evidence.

Furthermore, Dhani highlighted the fact that Agnez did not bring evidence in the form of a contract during the trial. This raised questions from Ari Bias regarding the reasons behind that decision. "When in court, Agnez did not bring that contract," said Dhani. "If there is indeed a contract that can prove she is right, why wasn’t it shown?"

2. The Missing Contract and a Singer's Responsibility

Dhani and Ari suspect there is a specific reason why Agnez did not show the contract. "Logically, the contract was not presented because there is something being concealed. Agnez deliberately did not submit that contract, and that is a fact in the trial," Dhani said. Ari added that if the document does exist, it should be considered by the judge.

"If the contract really exists, the judge will definitely take it into account. If Agnez is not guilty, then the one who should pay is the event organizer. But nonetheless, a singer still has responsibilities in this case," Ari concluded. Dhani reiterated that attending the trial is far more important than speaking without evidence on a podcast. "If she had come to court instead of just talking nonsense on your podcast, I would say she is just talking nonsense on your podcast, because what she is saying has no evidence. But if Agnez comes to court, she can't just talk nonsense," he emphasized.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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