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Migration to Jakarta in 2017, Mahdy Reza Star of 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Was Threatened Not to Receive Inheritance

Migration to Jakarta in 2017, Mahdy Reza Star of 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI' Was Threatened Not to Receive Inheritance Mahdy Reza © Akrom Sukarya - Various shows accompany viewers throughout the pandemic. One that never misses is the soap opera BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI. This soap opera has become a favorite and often achieves high ratings.

That is not only because of its twisting storyline but also because of the excellent acting of the cast. One actor who always stands out is Mahdy Reza, who plays Roni.

Viewers and netizens may already be familiar with Mahdy. What may not be widely known is the beginning of Mahdy Reza's career. Yes, he started in 2017.

"When I finished filming in 2017 for the movie SETERU, I received several management offers in Jakarta and several shooting offers in Jakarta," he explained in Halo Selebriti in March 2021.

1. Threatened for a While

His departure to Jakarta was not easy. At least, he did not immediately get his parents' approval. To the extent that he was threatened that he would not be given an inheritance.

"I was even threatened by my parents before. (They said) if you change your ID card (to Jakarta), you won't be given an inheritance," he said while laughing.

In addition to facing threats, Mahdy also had to leave his college. At that time, he was already studying at one of the universities in Jogjakarta.

"College was boring too, even though I really needed it, but I kept getting job offers and thankfully I took a break from college. So in 2017, I decided to stay in Jakarta," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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