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Miscarriage, These Are 7 Portraits of Fairuz A. Rafiq's Third Pregnancy Journey that Breaks the Heart

Miscarriage, These Are 7 Portraits of Fairuz A. Rafiq's Third Pregnancy Journey that Breaks the Heart

Celebrity Pregnancy

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Miscarriage, These Are 7 Portraits of Fairuz A. Rafiq's Third Pregnancy Journey that Breaks the Heart

Couple Fairuz A Rafiq and Sonny Septian recently announced their third pregnancy. However, a few weeks later, Sonny Septian announced sad news. Through his personal Instagram account, Sonny Fairuz stated that his wife had a miscarriage.

What is the story? Find out here.


The initial moment when Fairuz told her husband while she was pregnant. They were filled with happiness.


Like any pregnant woman, Fairuz also experienced constant nausea. Fortunately, her mother was always there to accompany her.


The moment of waiting for the baby is being enjoyed by Fairuz and Sonny happily, as shown in this photo.


Sonny invited his wife for a vacation to temporarily forget about the tiredness of being a pregnant mother.


The moment when Sonny caresses Fairuz's belly, waiting for the arrival of their baby.


Until finally, the bad news came. Through his personal Instagram account, Sonny announced that Fairuz had a miscarriage.


Sonny is still accompanying Fairuz, who is lying in the hospital. "Allah knows what's best for His servants. My wife is a strong woman," wrote Sonny Septian in his Instagram story.

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