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Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

Celebrity Activities

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Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

Last Friday, September 8, Nagita Slavina and her second son named Cipung visited Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang. This activity was done by Nagita to introduce the benefits of milk and the milk processing process to Cipung. Nagita and Cipung were taken on a tour of various farming and milk processing facilities owned by PT Global Dairi Alami.

Not only did they observe, but Nagita and Cipung were also educated about the process of producing good and hygienic milk. Curious about the excitement of Nagita and Cipung at Farm & Factory MilkLife Subang?

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

This is Nagita and Cipung when visiting Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang.


Not alone, Nagita and Cipung were accompanied by the Head of Commercial PT Global Dairi Alami, Soegiono while providing education about the MilkLife milk processing process.

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

Seeing the many cows in Milklife Farm, Cipung's innocent and curious expression couldn't be hidden!


Of course, besides seeing the milk production process, Nagita and Cipung had the opportunity to feed milk to the baby cows. Cipung was assisted by Nagita in holding the milk bottle, which seemed quite heavy for Cipung.

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

“These cows receive special treatment, starting from being fed with nutritious feed from Australia and America, which is complete with protein, vitamins, and minerals in order to produce the best fresh milk," said Soegiono to Nagita.


Nagita and Cipung also took a photo together in front of the Milklife farm. Cipung's innocent face is so cute, isn't it KLovers?

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

After enjoying the tour and seeing the cows, Nagita didn't forget to fill her son's ammunition with fresh Milklife milk.


They really enjoyed it, Cipung looked very eager while drinking the milk produced directly by Milklife, right KLovers!


Not forgetting, Nagita took a photo with all the staff and employees at Farm & Factory MilkLife Subang.

Nagita Slavina Invites Cipung to Visit Farm & Factory MilkLife in Subang - Introducing the Benefits and Importance of Milk

Among the many variants of Milklife milk, which one is your favorite, KLovers?

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