There is an eye-catching view in Tasya Farasya's Instagram post on Wednesday (7/2) yesterday. Apparently, she has just had a photoshoot with Nagita Slavina, Rachel Vennya, Caca Tengker, and Agatha Pricilla. They all look beautiful and charming in matching pajamas. Curious about how the photos look like?
Nagita Slavina's Photoshoot with Tasya Farasya and Rachel Vennya, Beautiful in Pajamas
Instagram Photos
This is the latest photoshoot of Nagita Slavina with fellow influencers such as Tasya Farasya and Rachel Vennya.
In the photos uploaded by Tasya on Wednesday (7/2), they were seen wearing matching pastel-colored satin pajamas.
Starting from Gigi, Tasya, Rachel, Caca Tengker, Agatha Pricilla, to Tyna Dwi Jayanti, they all looked beautiful with rosy makeup.
Themed cozy, this indoor photoshoot also used supporting properties such as pillows, sofas, carpets, and various games.
One of them is UNO Stacko, which is known as a favorite game to play when gathering with friends and loved ones.
These photos quickly caught the attention of netizens who flooded the comment section with various praises.
Not stopping there, Tasya also reposted various photos and videos that showed behind-the-scenes of this photoshoot.
Not just one outfit, it turns out they also did another photoshoot session wearing clothes that have a completely different vibe from before.
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