Putri Marino indeed has a naturally beautiful face. Even without any makeup, she can still look stunning.
So, what do Putri Marino's beautiful close-up portraits look like? Let's find out more here.
Putri Marino indeed has a naturally beautiful face. Even without any makeup, she can still look stunning.
So, what do Putri Marino's beautiful close-up portraits look like? Let's find out more here.
Being of mixed Italian-Indonesian heritage, Putri herself has a beautiful and youthful face.
Netizens are amazed by Putri's beauty that radiates even when she doesn't wear any makeup at all.
Not only her youthful face, her beautiful eyes and sweet smile also captivate many people.
Who wouldn't be mesmerized if looked at like this by Putri?
Chicco Jerikho's wife has a simple yet comfortable fashion taste.
She often matches clothes that are not too flashy but still comfortable to wear.
Because of her youthful face, Putri has played roles as a schoolgirl, even a teenage girl several times.
You might also be surprised to know that Putri is already a mother to one child.
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