All this time, Sarah Azhari has never exposed her husband, who is none other than the father of Albany Ray Carrascalao. Rarely seen, it turns out that the man named Pedro Miguel Carrascalao is not just anyone.
What is he like? Take a look here!
All this time, Sarah Azhari has never exposed her husband, who is none other than the father of Albany Ray Carrascalao. Rarely seen, it turns out that the man named Pedro Miguel Carrascalao is not just anyone.
What is he like? Take a look here!
Sarah Azhari almost never reveals moments with her husband, known as Pedro Miguel Carrascalao. For those who don't know, here he is.
Pedro Miguel Carrascalao married Sarah Azhari in 2000. All this time, his presence has rarely been revealed to the public by Sarah Azhari.
Pedro turns out to have an interesting background. He does not come from an ordinary family because he is the son of the former Governor of Timor Leste during the time of President Soeharto.
Being a wealthy businessman, Pedro is known to have a company called Pecar Group which is engaged in construction, trade, consulting, and import.
Albany Ray's father graduated from Esendon Flying School and Moorabin Aviation Academy in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1992.
Sarah Azhari and Pedro Miguel have a considerable age difference of 10 years.
In the midst of his busy business schedule, Pedro always seems to make an effort to spend time with his wife and child.
Pedro often shares moments with Sarah and Albany through his personal Facebook.
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