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Not Because of Difficulty Getting Pregnant or Infertility, 8 Doctor's Portraits Reveal Specific Reasons Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag Undergo IVF Program

Not Because of Difficulty Getting Pregnant or Infertility, 8 Doctor's Portraits Reveal Specific Reasons Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag Undergo IVF Program

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Not Because of Difficulty Getting Pregnant or Infertility, 8 Doctor's Portraits Reveal Specific Reasons Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag Undergo IVF Program

Good news! Jessica Iskandar is known to be pregnant with her third child. The difference is that this pregnancy of the woman affectionately known as Jedar is through an IVF program at a hospital in Surabaya, East Java.

This certainly raises questions among the public about Jessica Iskandar's reasons for deciding to have a third child through an IVF program. The doctor appears to provide specific reasons for Jedar and her husband's IVF program. Read the complete story below!


Many netizens question the reasons for Jedar and Vincent undergoing this program. Especially since the previous two pregnancies were normal.

Not Because of Difficulty Getting Pregnant or Infertility, 8 Doctor's Portraits Reveal Specific Reasons Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag Undergo IVF Program

There is even an assumption that Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag are no longer fertile to have offspring. However, the doctor who is handling their program says that both of them are in good condition.


Actually, Jedar's eggs and Vincent's sperm are in good condition. Instead of gossiping and thinking negatively, KLovers should listen to the reasons from the doctor.


"Everything is fine, both Vincent's sperm and Jessica's eggs are fine. There are no problems," said Dr. Benny during a virtual press conference on Monday (20/5).


"It's the same with Jessica, she doesn't have any serious problems with her eggs. It's just that they want to do IVF to get a good embryo," he continued.


Benny also explained that Jessica Iskandar has been undergoing in vitro fertilization since January 2024, so the target to have a child this year will be successful.


Benny also confirmed that Jessica and Vincent's decision to undergo in vitro fertilization was not because they had difficulty conceiving after trying to get pregnant naturally. But Jessica and Vincent want to have a child as soon as possible in the year of the dragon.


"Yesterday the process was done, we found the five best embryos from the combination of sperm and egg cells. One embryo has already been injected into Jessica," concluded Doctor Benny.

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Not Long Joined Mak Vera's Management, Tamee Irelly Immediately Involved in the Film 'SUMUR JIWO 1977' Starring Many Award-Winning Actors

The film Sumur Jiwo 1977 is also starred by several famous names such as Fico Fachriza, Fadli Fuad, Annette Edoarda, Mathias Muchus, Eddie Karsito, Egi Fedly, Yatti Surachman, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Jajang C. Noer, Opie Kumis, Husein Al-Athas, Gita Virga, Godfred Orindeod, and Anyun Cadel.

Not Long Joined Mak Vera's Management, Tamee Irelly Immediately Involved in the Film 'SUMUR JIWO 1977' Starring Many Award-Winning Actors