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Now Focusing on Indie Music, Bams Samsons: I Get New Listeners

Now Focusing on Indie Music, Bams Samsons: I Get New Listeners Bams Samsons © Akrom Sukarya - Bams Samsons Former vocalist of the band Samsons apparently still pursues the world of music. The music genre he is currently playing is not well-known to the general public.

When met in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (24/2), Bams shared about his busy schedule besides music. He has several businesses, and one of them is a fitness center called Fit n Co.

1. It's Been 3 Years

"Mostly busy with businesses like Fit n Co, this one is big because it has many products. But in music, I've been indie for three years now, not mainstream like before, and only recently started writing songs in Indonesian again," Bams said.

The man whose full name is Bambang Reguna Bukit admitted that he is still involved in the music industry because he was given the opportunity by a label to explore his talent as a singer. Therefore, he mentioned that now he only creates works according to what he desires.

2. According to What is Liked

"I want to play music again because it was given to me by my new label to explore what I like. So now I make songs according to what I like, not following what people want to listen to. If before I followed the market, now I make songs not to satisfy people but because I want to make something like this," he said.

Apparently, Bams spices up his work with stories for adults in each of his songs. In addition, he also mentioned that with his new works, he has gained new fans and listeners.

3. Adult Theme

"The themes are very adult, love for adults, in Indonesian it's like intimate relationships, flirting, it's not for teenagers, it's for adults," Bams revealed.

"I have new listeners. New listeners who didn't know who I was before, because teenagers these days don't know who you are," he concluded.

4. Remember Mother's Message

The presence of Covid-19 should not hinder us from being productive, KLovers. However, always make sure to #RememberMother'sMessage. Wash your hands frequently, always wear a mask, and don't forget to maintain social distance. Stay safe everyone!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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