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Now in Detention, Ammar Zoni Misses His Children

Now in Detention, Ammar Zoni Misses His Children Ammar Zoni misses his two beloved children © Santoso - Since being arrested by the Narcotics Unit of West Jakarta Metro Police for alleged drug abuse, Ammar Zoni has not met his two children, Air Rumi Akbar and Ara Puti Sabai Akbar.

As is known, Ammar Zoni is currently in custody in relation to the case. Ammar Zoni's lawyer, Jon Mathias, said that his client longs for his two children.

"Yes, Ammar's longing for his children is certainly the most important thing he thinks about, the problem of his children, not himself. His burden of thought has decreased," said Jon Mathias at West Jakarta Police, Wednesday (21/2/2024).

"Now what he thinks about is his children. How he can visit his children to boost his spirits. He faces it with fortitude so that he can regain his enthusiasm after serving his punishment, so that he truly repents. For his children," he said.

1. Last Meeting Before Arrested

Jon Mathias revealed that Ammar Zoni met his children a few days before being apprehended by the police.

"On Sunday, he still met his children, on Monday he was arrested," he said.

2. Ammar Zoni Disappointed

Regarding communication with Irish Bella, Jon Mathias mentioned that Ammar Zoni always feels disappointed because he cannot meet his children.

"Well, you have to ask Irish herself because until now the children have never been given or brought by either the helper or the mother to see Ammar, they are not there," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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