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Now Struggling Alone, Teddy, Late Lina's Husband, Feeds Rice and Eggs to Their Daughter

Now Struggling Alone, Teddy, Late Lina's Husband, Feeds Rice and Eggs to Their Daughter Teddy Pardiyana © KapanLagi/ Budy Santoso - Teddy Pardiyana, the husband of the late Lina Jubaedah, is currently struggling to be a single father. Since his wife's departure, Teddy has been fighting alone to raise their child named Bintang.

Previously, Teddy was in the spotlight regarding Lina's inheritance request given to Bintang. Now said to be bankrupt, Teddy is known to live in a shack with Bintang.

His body looks thin when encountered. He admitted that he is indeed burdened with many thoughts and lacks rest.

"Certainly, there are many thoughts, and also lack of rest because I am a single father, so automatically at night, I have to be on standby to make milk for the baby, change diapers," said Teddy as quoted from (01/11/2021).

1. Eat Rice and Eggs

For daily meals, Teddy said that his child is given rice and eggs. He also doesn't forget to give formula milk to drink.

"He mostly eats rice and eggs, and drinks formula milk. I cook it myself occasionally," he said.

Teddy admitted that his finances are dwindling in the midst of the pandemic. Moreover, he said that there are currently few job openings in Indonesia. Now he is trying to find a job abroad.

"Visas for Australia and Japan have been issued, and visas for Korea have also been issued, so I am looking for the best opportunity there," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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