The relationship between siblings Erika Putri and Citra Kirana is so close. They always support each other, especially after they both decided to wear hijab. What do they look like now with their hijab?
Celebrity Activities
The relationship between siblings Erika Putri and Citra Kirana is so close. They always support each other, especially after they both decided to wear hijab. What do they look like now with their hijab?
This is how they look when they are together. These siblings are known to be equally beautiful.
Both of them also appear to be in sync with each other. One of the things that can be seen from both of them is when they decided to migrate, they didn't take long to wear hijab.
But the difference lies in their love affairs. Yes, Erica has built a household, while Citra Kirana is rumored to have broken up with Ali Syakieb.
Despite the differences that have occurred, they also love each other. Moreover, they often spend time together.
This is the moment when they performed umrah a while ago. They also didn't forget to capture that moment.
After deciding to migrate, both of them look even more beautiful now. Yes, it just warms the heart to see them.
Hopefully both of them will be more successful in all their endeavors and always be successful, KLovers.
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