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Officially Divorced, Larissa Chou Regrets Marrying Alvin Faiz?

Officially Divorced, Larissa Chou Regrets Marrying Alvin Faiz? Larissa Chou © Akrom Sukarya - After five years of marriage, the marriage of Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou had to end. Now they are officially divorced after the Cibinong Religious Court decided by default.

So, does Larissa Chou feel any regret during her marriage with Alvin Faiz?

“Oh, there is no regret marrying (Alvin),” said Larissa Chou at the Cibinong Religious Court, Wednesday (16/6).

1. Already Destiny

Larissa Chou considers her divorce to be part of Allah's destiny that she must go through.

“This is indeed Allah's destiny,” said Larissa Chou.

2. Communication Only About the Child

Although they have separated, they still maintain good communication, especially regarding their only child, Yusuf.

“We still communicate about the child,” she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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