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Often Accused of Being a Third Party, 8 Photos of Mayangsari Who Always Looks Pristine and Beautiful Like a Government Official's Wife - Highlighted After Sharing Tips to Prevent Husband from Being Taken

Often Accused of Being a Third Party, 8 Photos of Mayangsari Who Always Looks Pristine and Beautiful Like a Government Official's Wife - Highlighted After Sharing Tips to Prevent Husband from Being Taken

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Often Accused of Being a Third Party, 8 Photos of Mayangsari Who Always Looks Pristine and Beautiful Like a Government Official's Wife - Highlighted After Sharing Tips to Prevent Husband from Being Taken

Mayangsari, the wife of Bambang Trihatmodjo, recently gained attention from netizens. Her conversation with Ashanty was highlighted because she shared tips for wives to prevent their husbands from being taken by other women.

On the other hand, Mayangsari is known for being associated with being a mistress. Find out more here!


Here is one of Mayangsari's latest posts where she dresses up luxuriously like a government official's wife.


Her elegant and luxurious appearance suddenly gained attention again after she shared tips on how to prevent husbands from being taken by other women.


Momen kala ia mengobrol dengan Ashanty pun mendadak ramai disorot dan dibagikan ulang oleh banyak akun-akun gosip.


Bagaimana tidak, selama ini ia sangat erat dengan imej pelakor. Meski demikian, ia cukup percaya diri membagikan tips-tips agar suami tak direbut wanita lain.


Kendati demikian, tips yang diberikan Mayangsari sangatlah esensial bagi para wanita yang sudah bersuami.


“Prinsipnya setiap hari gue harus cantik, mikirnya seperti itu, bangun di mindset kita,” tuturnya seperti dikutip dari akun lambegosiip.


Of course, the moment of sharing tips for these mothers has garnered various reactions from netizens. "Tips straight from her temperature," said a netizen quoted from the same account.


Thus, a series of beautiful portraits of Mayangsari, who looks like a government official's wife. Like the shared tips, she always appears elegant and beautiful on various occasions.