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Often Viral and Becoming a Trending Topic, Here are the Facts about Danar X Factor Indonesia that You Must Know

Often Viral and Becoming a Trending Topic, Here are the Facts about Danar X Factor Indonesia that You Must Know - This article was written by: Wieke Nadhira Faradita

Danar Widianto is one of the finalists of X Factor Indonesia season three who successfully won third place. The man from Banyumas, Central Java, indeed has a voice that needs no doubt. Even his performance throughout the show is so consistent and often makes the judges and viewers amazed.

It is proven that since the audition, Danar has never received any negative comments about his performance. Many people like the distinctive voice of this 19-year-old singer.

Want to get to know Danar better? Check out's review of his facts below.


1. Awesome Duet with Fiersa Besari

Danar became a trending topic and viral after dueting with Fiersa Besari singing the song Runtuh. Their performance managed to enchant the audience, two voices that both have their own distinctive characteristics when combined, apparently bring beautiful harmony.

Danar himself admitted that he has idolized Fiersa Besari for a long time. Of course, when he got the chance to duet with his idol, he didn't waste the opportunity to show off.


2. Audition with Original Song

During the audition for X Factor Indonesia, Danar dared to be different from other contestants. Most of the contestants sang songs from famous artists or bands, but not Danar. During the audition, Danar bravely sang his own song titled Dulu, which became well-known thanks to his beautiful performance that impressed the judges.

3. Frequently Trending on Youtube

With his unique voice, Danar always manages to trend on Youtube. Here are some of the songs that Danar performed and became trending on Youtube:

1. Pamungkas - Monolog (2.2 million views)

2. Sepatu - Tulus (5.1 million views)

3. Can't Help Falling In Love (4.9 million views)

4. Pilu Membiru - Kunto Aji (5.8 million views)

5. Mesin Waktu - Budi Doremi (10 million views)

6. Jikalau - Naif (11 million views)

7. Yang Terdalam - NOAH (15 million views)

8. Dulu - Danar Widianto (29 million views)

Are there any KLovers who are fans of Danar? What do you think of his voice?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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