Kapanlagi.com - For the past few months, Margin Wieheerm has been seen wearing a hijab. Margin Wieheerm's appearance, which looks even more charming after wearing a hijab, successfully captures public attention.
Now, every time Margin Wieheerm appears with her hijab, the attention of netizens immediately focuses on Ali Syakieb's wife. Like a few moments ago when she gathered with her gang, Margin immediately became the center of attention because her charm was radiating.
Curious about what it's like when Margin Wieheerm gathers with her gang? Just take a look at some of her portraits below.
1. Margin and His Gang

Margin Wierheerm and his gang, Margin Wierheermauranya, create a warm atmosphere (credit: instagram/lestykejora)
This is a snapshot of the moment when Margin Wieheerm and his gang finally gathered together. Not just anyone, Margin's gang consists of top celebrities, ranging from Lesti Kejora, Melody Nurramdhani, Dinda Hauw, Keisha Ratuliu, to Aurel Hermansyah.
2. Like Socialites

Margin Wierheerm and his gang, like socialites (credit: instagram/melodylaksani92)
The gathering agenda of Margin Wieheerm and his gang is not just to relieve longing. These famous celebrities gathered to hold a lottery. The style of Margin and Aurel, who were waiting for the results of the lottery, looked like socialites.
3. Exciting Atmosphere

Margin Wierheerm and his fun gang's togetherness (credit: instagram/melodylaksani92)
The atmosphere of Margin Wieheerm and his gang's lottery instantly became lively when the name of the person who received the lottery was finally announced. Not wanting to miss the moment, Margin captured the exciting and fun moment when his friends cheered.
4. While Celebrating Birthday

Margin Wierheerm and his gang holding a gathering while celebrating Margin Wierheermauranya's birthday, making it heartwarming (credit: instagram/kesharatuliu05)
Besides holding a gathering, this time Margin Wieheerm and his gang also celebrated the birthdays of some friends. They celebrated Margin's birthday, Aurel Hermansyah, Syifa Hadju, and Lesti, who happen to have close birthdays.
5. Continuing the Trip to the Mall

Margin Wierheerm and his gang after the gathering continuing to the mall, making Margin Wierheermauranya heartwarming (credit: instagram/kesharatuliu05)
After the gathering, Margin Wieheerm and his gang continued their trip to the mall. While going to the mall, Margin and his friends looked very happy. At first glance, they seemed like college students going to the mall after class.
6. Very Compact

Margin Wierheerm and her gang are very compact Margin Wierheermauranya makes it cool (credit: instagram/kesharatuliu05)
Like other celebrity gangs, Margin Wieheerm and her friends also often attract attention. They are often highlighted because they have close and warm relationships. When they hang out together at the mall, Margin and her gang also appear more compact.
7. Her Aura Makes It Cool

Margin Wierheermauranya makes it cool (credit: instagram/kesharatuliu05)
Among the people in her gang, Margin Wieheerm is one of the ones who often gets attention. Shortly after wearing a hijab, Margin's hijab style was highlighted because it still showed some of her hair. But gradually, Margin's hijab style is increasingly admired. Not only does it make her look beautiful, but the hijab also makes Margin's aura even cooler.
Those are some portraits of Margin Wieheerm when hanging out with her gang. How about KLovers, isn't it exciting?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.