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Only 12 Years Old, Michelle Hadip Attracts Attention Through Works at Jogja Fashion Week 2021

Only 12 Years Old, Michelle Hadip Attracts Attention Through Works at Jogja Fashion Week 2021 Michelle Hadip © Instagram/michelle.hadip - The figure of Michelle Hadip successfully attracted attention at Jogja Fashion Week 2021 which was held on Thursday (25/11) yesterday. Michelle is the youngest designer to showcase her work at the event. She is currently known to be 12 years old. 

In the event, Michelle herself presented a collection with the theme of Tweed Twist. The style of her collection is Korean casual, which is currently trending, especially among young people.

"With plain textured fabric and checkered tweed fabric paired with gold-colored accessories, this collection looks trendy and elegant," said Michelle describing her collection theme.

1. 6 Collection

Six of his casual clothing creations were presented by models on the catwalk. Michelle carefully selects colors and fabrics to make them attractive while still prioritizing wearer comfort. 

Accessory selection is also considered down to the smallest details, such as the color and carving on the buttons, as well as the accuracy of the size and its suitability with the overall fashion appearance. Despite being only 12 years old, Michelle is meticulous in designing her work.

2. Inspiration

Michelle herself wants to become a designer who can represent young women. Not only teenagers but also up to the age of 30. With fresh designs, daring innovations, and creativity. 

At the same time, I hope to inspire young Indonesians to continue working hard," said Michelle Hadip.

Previously, Michelle herself has showcased modest wear collections at the Recovery Movement Sleman, evening gowns at Malang Fashion Week 2021, and children's clothing collections at Surabaya Fashion Runway 2021.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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