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Peek into 8 Achievements of Dorce Gamalama in the Entertainment World During Life - More Than 1000 Songs She Created

Peek into 8 Achievements of Dorce Gamalama in the Entertainment World During Life - More Than 1000 Songs She Created Dorce Gamalama and Family (Photo credit: Dorce Gamalama & Sule (Photo credit: - Sad news once again comes from the entertainment world in the homeland. Dorce Gamalama took her last breath on Wednesday (16/2). Celebrity friends must feel a great loss of the figure of Bunda Dorce. During her lifetime, many said that Bunda Dorce was a kind, cheerful, and caring person.

During her lifetime, Dorce Gamalama, who was known as a transgender, has carved out many works and achievements. It is no wonder that she is known and loved by the Indonesian people. Her departure is not only a blow to the family, but also to fans throughout Indonesia. KLovers have enjoyed Bunda Dorce's works, which ones have you enjoyed?

Although Bunda Dorce has left us all, her works will always be remembered. Indonesia has lost a beloved and admired figure. To soothe the longing, let's together look at some of Dorce Gamalama's achievements during her career in the entertainment world!




1. Dorce has entertained 6 Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, starting from Soeharto, BJ Habibie, Megawati, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

2. Bunda Dorce has released 9 albums in five months, which led Bunda to achieve the Museum Record Indonesian (MURI) book record.

3. The album release, which started from November 2005 to March 2006, apparently involved 74 artists, KLovers.

4. The album didn't just stop there, it also brought her to occupy position 1,883 on the MURI recipient list.

5. Not only known as a songwriter, Dorce is also actively hosting a show called Dorce Show from 2005 to 2009. Wow, there must be a lot of people watching this talk show.

6. His ability to host shows is quite impressive, not only the Dorce Show but also the successful dating show he hosted with Eko Patrio, from 2002 to 2005.

7. Dorce became the main actor in 2 films at the same time, namely DORCE SOK AKRAB and DORCE KETEMU JODOH. Do millennials know about this film?

8. Many people say that Dorce is a versatile artist, no wonder Dorce entertained President Jokowi by singing and doing comedy.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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