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Photo of Mikhael Moeis at 2 Weeks Old, Big Brother Raphael is Very Happy

Photo of Mikhael Moeis at 2 Weeks Old, Big Brother Raphael is Very Happy

Celebrity Children

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Photo of Mikhael Moeis at 2 Weeks Old, Big Brother Raphael is Very Happy

Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis now have two sons. The recently born one is Baby Mikhael. Just like his big brother, Sandra also invites fans to see Mikha's development. Let's see his latest photo that was just uploaded by his parents.


Since Sandra Dewi announced her second pregnancy, many are curious about how their child's face will look like.


Because everyone knows that Sandra's first child, Raphael Moeis, is very cute. Moreover, his parents are also beautiful and handsome, making us even more curious.


Just like before, the birth of Sandra's second child was also kept secret. It was announced a few days later.


Mikhael Moeis was born on September 2, 2019. But it was announced a week later with photos of Sandra and Harvey holding Baby Mikha.


Fortunately, Sandra is not stingy in sharing photos of her child. Mikha even has his own Instagram account.


His developmental photos are also shown. This one is a photo of Mikha when he was 2 weeks old. Doesn't he look handsome?


This Baby is so cute. From his face, you can already see his handsome talents like his Dad and Sister.


Raphael Moeis himself looks really happy to have a younger sibling as his new friend. Isn't it cute, this older brother?


Look at Raphael's happy laughter. Can't wait to see their photo together when they play later.