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Photo of Niquita, Zarima's Daughter 'Queen of Ecstasy', Now a Beautiful and Successful Woman in France

Photo of Niquita, Zarima's Daughter 'Queen of Ecstasy', Now a Beautiful and Successful Woman in France

Celebrity Children

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Photo of Niquita, Zarima's Daughter 'Queen of Ecstasy', Now a Beautiful and Successful Woman in France

For the 90s generation, the name Zarima Mirafsur may not be unfamiliar. The beautiful model and actress made headlines in 1996 for carrying 30,000 ecstasy pills. Therefore, she was called the ecstasy queen and was imprisoned.

In 2000, while behind bars, Zarima gave birth to a daughter who was recognized by her lawyer, Ferry Juan, as her own. Zarima denied it and claimed that her child was the result of a relationship with a politician. There was a dispute over custody of the child, but now the daughter, named Niquita, lives with Ferry Juan.

This time, let's talk a little bit about Niquita, who is very accomplished despite being in the spotlight. Here are some photos of Niquita and news shared by her dad!


This is Niquita Juan, commonly known as Tata. She was born on July 15, 2000 and will soon be turning 23 years old. Her face is so exotic and beautiful!


According to Ferry Juan, his daughter studied in Italy in 2019. But a year later, she went to study at the International Fashion Academy (IFA), one of the leading fashion schools in the world.


Tata has completed her education and will graduate in July 2023. She has not one, but two degrees that are recognized in France and Europe.


During her studies, Tata worked as a teaching assistant at IFA, interned at the Swedish clothing brand Toteme, and became a PR representative for Paris Fashion Week, even being considered as an Asian representative by her friends.


Tata intends to continue her S2 education in France. According to Juan, his daughter dreams of using her knowledge to create high-quality products similar to French brands at affordable prices for the community.


As mentioned earlier, Ferry Juan and Zarima were once involved in a dispute over Tata. Ferry explained that he tried to protect his daughter because he wanted to save Tata from Zarima's inhumane treatment.


When Tata was an innocent baby, Ferry did not want his daughter to be influenced by Zarima. Ferry was even willing to sacrifice his own life for Tata.


Tata has been raised by Ferry, a single father. Raising his daughter was not easy, as when Tata was young, Ferry was often harassed by Zarima, reported to the police, and threatened by thugs. (Tata is on the front right)


Now Ferry has to accept the distance between France and Indonesia. For him, this distance is even harder because he can only relieve his longing through phone calls or video calls. (Tata on the far right in the photo)


Tata (on the far right) is one of Ferry Juan's precious assets. Keep up the success of your career in the fashion world, Tata!