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Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Celebrity Children

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Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Anang Hermansyah's family always wears matching uniforms for special occasions. This includes attending Ameena Atta's tedak siten event, the child of Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar.

Wearing traditional Javanese clothes with an orange nuance, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel stand out. They both look very beautiful in kebaya.


Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty's family wore matching orange kebaya at Ameena's tedak siten event. Although different in style, their clothes' color is the same.


Little Arsya looks handsome in Javanese traditional attire. He looks very similar to Anang in this photo.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Ashanty and Sarah Menzel steal the attention during the event. They both look equally beautiful.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Anang Hermansyah's mother looks beautiful in an orange kebaya. She chose a traditional kebaya model with a long style.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Three beloved women of Anang Hermansyah. Arsy also steals the attention with her beautiful kebaya and small bun.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

In addition to the immediate family, Anang and Ashanty's extended family also attended. However, not everyone wore uniforms.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Anang and Ashanty are so happy on Ameena's tedak siten day. Their beloved grandchild has grown up.

Portrait of Anang's Family at Ameena's Tedak Siten, Ashanty and Sarah Menzel Look Beautiful

Sarah Menzel, who is towering, stands out even when standing behind. She's incredibly beautiful!

Invite Baby Moana to Play Trampoline, 8 Photos of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan Who Are Said to Have the Wrong Parenting Style - Harvesting Netizen's Criticism

Invite Baby Moana to Play Trampoline, 8 Photos of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan Who Are Said to Have the Wrong Parenting Style - Harvesting Netizen's Criticism

Check out the series of photos of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan, who are considered to have a parenting style that receives criticism from netizens after inviting their little one to play trampoline!

Invite Baby Moana to Play Trampoline, 8 Photos of Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan Who Are Said to Have the Wrong Parenting Style - Harvesting Netizen's Criticism