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Portrait of Bhaj Kama, Zaskia Adya Mecca's Child, Relaxing While Filming with Hanung Bramantyo, Will He Follow in His Father's Footsteps?

Portrait of Bhaj Kama, Zaskia Adya Mecca's Child, Relaxing While Filming with Hanung Bramantyo, Will He Follow in His Father's Footsteps? Portrait of Bhaj Kama, Zaskia Adya Mecca's Child, Relaxing While Filming. (instagram/zaskiadyamecca) - The film industry in the country is becoming increasingly interesting with the presence of a new generation that is starting to show interest. This time, attention is focused on Bhaj Kama, the youngest child of the couple Zaskia Adya Mecca and Hanung Bramantyo, who seems to be enjoying being on set. Unlike his siblings, Kama actually enjoys the moments behind the scenes and is reluctant to go home even when given the option.

This moment was captured by Zaskia Adya Mecca in an Instagram post, showing Kama relaxing with the film crew and his father. The post immediately caught the attention of netizens, who began to speculate whether Kama would follow in his father's footsteps as a director. Many support Kama in continuing Hanung's legacy in the film industry.

So, what is Kama's excitement like on the set? Check out the review below!

1. Portrait of Bhaj Kama at the Shooting Location: Different from His Siblings

In an Instagram post by Zaskia Adya Mecca (@zaskiaadyamecca), several photos show Bhaj Kama enjoying his time on set with Hanung Bramantyo and the film crew. Kama seems to be enjoying the shooting atmosphere and shows no signs of boredom.

According to Zaskia, Kama is very different from his siblings, who usually get bored quickly when on set. "He is really different from the older siblings who after an hour on set are already complaining to go home," she wrote in the caption.

2. Kama Enjoys a Whole Day at the Shooting Location

Zaskia revealed that for two consecutive days, Kama was enthusiastic about following his father on set. Unlike other children who might get bored quickly, Kama actually enjoys the behind-the-scenes atmosphere of film production.

"It's been 2 days @bhajkama is super excited to join his grandfather's shooting.. all day on set, I didn't feel bored at all, his aunt didn't come along either and when offered to go home, he wasn't interested," Zaskia wrote.

3. Sitting in the Director's Chair, Kama Seriously Observes

One of the photos shows Kama sitting with Hanung behind the monitor. Wearing a white t-shirt, Kama appears serious as he watches the screen displaying the shooting scene.

This moment is even more interesting because Kama looks relaxed yet focused, as if he is learning to understand the filmmaking process.

4. Kama's Moment in the Filming Car

In another photo, Kama is seen sitting on the lap of his older brother, Barmastya Bhumi, who is wearing a headset and holding a camera. They both look close and are smiling at the camera.

This interaction shows how Kama is starting to get to know the world of filmmaking more closely, not just from the audience's perspective, but also behind the scenes as part of the production team.

5. Hanung Bramantyo Surprised by These Photos

In the comments section, Hanung Bramantyo appeared surprised by this post. "Eh?? How did you get these photos," he wrote. This comment instantly drew laughter from netizens who responded to Kama's antics on set.

That’s the portrait of Bhaj Kama, Zaskia Adya Mecca's child, relaxing on set. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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