Cut Memey made a surprising statement. She decided to leave Indonesia and settle in Canada, where her husband is. What does the portrait of Cut Memey's togetherness with her husband and family look like? Let's find out!
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Cut Memey made a surprising statement. She decided to leave Indonesia and settle in Canada, where her husband is. What does the portrait of Cut Memey's togetherness with her husband and family look like? Let's find out!
You may not know that Cut Memey has now left Indonesia and settled in Canada.
She made a farewell letter on her personal Instagram on June 29th.
She bid farewell to her fans as she will leave Indonesia and settle in Canada to follow her husband, Paul Rowland.
Both of them got married in 2011. Both Cut Memey and Paul already have children from their previous marriages.
From this marriage, Cut Memey was blessed with a handsome son named Nathan Rowland.
With Nathan's presence, they now have 3 precious children. Lawrence, Paul's child, Anshita Lorenza, Cut Memey's child, and also Nathan.
After living in Indonesia for a long time, Cut Memey finally decided to follow her husband to his hometown, Canada.
Enjoy your new life, Cut Memey! Don't forget your homeland!
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