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Portrait of Dahlia Poland Without Make Up While Carrying a Child, Still Glowing - Previously Called Dull by Netizens

Portrait of Dahlia Poland Without Make Up While Carrying a Child, Still Glowing - Previously Called Dull by Netizens


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Portrait of Dahlia Poland Without Make Up While Carrying a Child, Still Glowing - Previously Called Dull by Netizens

The name Dahlia Poland was once a hot topic after posting a bare face photo on Instagram some time ago. At that time, she was disturbed by netizens because her face was called dull.

What does Dahlia Poland's portrait look like when she's bare-faced while carrying her child? Let's take a look at her photos here!


Dahlia Poland, the wife of Fandy Christian, has not appeared on television since getting married and having a child. However, she still often shares her daily life on Instagram.


A while ago, Dahlia was being criticized by netizens for her bare face appearance. Many called her pimply and dull.


Dahlia herself was initially angered by those irresponsible comments. However, now she no longer cares about the criticism from netizens.


Dahlia often showcases photos of her bare face on Instagram. Despite being criticized, there are also those who praise her beautiful natural appearance.


Even though she already has children, Dahlia Poland's appearance still looks youthful. Still resembles a trendy teenager, right?


Dahlia Poland's natural beauty truly captures attention. Moreover, she is a mother who often shares warm moments with her children.


Whether taking a selfie or with her child, her beautiful face always attracts the attention of netizens. Truly mesmerizing!


What do KLovers think about Dahlia Poland? The true definition of natural beauty, right?