Do you still remember KLovers with the young drummer in Indonesia's Got Talent? Yes, he is JP Millenix. Now he has grown up. What does he look like now?
Celebrity Activities
Do you still remember KLovers with the young drummer in Indonesia's Got Talent? Yes, he is JP Millenix. Now he has grown up. What does he look like now?
In 2010, through the event Indonesia's Got Talent, he caught attention. With his drumming skills, he immediately impressed many people.
Yes, he is  Janitra Priyanka Millenix or known as JP Millenix. At that time, he was only 10 years old.
However, who would have thought, she is very skilled at playing the drums. Even when performing, she often receives praise from the jury.
9 years later, JP Millenix has grown into a beautiful girl. It even makes people amazed when they see her.
Now she has grown up. She also does not leave her talent as a drummer. In fact, she continues to hone her talent.
She also often posts photos of herself performing at various events. It is clear that she is getting better at playing the drums.
Always tomboyish in appearance, but when she wears a dress, JP Millenix also looks elegant. Keep up the good work.
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