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Portrait of Kartika Putri's Second Child Aqiqah, Serene Accompanied by Prayers - Simple Yet Festive

Portrait of Kartika Putri's Second Child Aqiqah, Serene Accompanied by Prayers - Simple Yet Festive

Celebrity Children

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Portrait of Kartika Putri's Second Child Aqiqah, Serene Accompanied by Prayers - Simple Yet Festive

Kartika Putri held an aqiqah event for her second child who has just been born into the world. The event was not extravagant, but the recitation and aqiqah procession for Kartika and Usman bin Yahya's second child went on festively on Tuesday, (18/10) yesterday.

Throughout the event, the baby named Khadeeja remained calm. Usman bin Yahya himself led the prayer for his daughter, and Kartika followed her husband's prayer devoutly.


Kartika Putri and Usman bin Yahya held a recitation and aqiqah event for their second child who has just been born into the world. The event was held simultaneously with the first child's birthday party, Khalisa.


While carrying his child, Usman bin Yahya himself led the prayer event. With solemnity, Usman recited a prayer for his second child from his marriage with Kartika Putri.


During the prayer and religious gathering, the baby named Khadeeja remained calm. She fell fast asleep in the arms of her father who was reciting a prayer.


This aqiqah event held by Kartika Putri was not very luxurious. However, it was quite festive and attended by many family members, neighbors, and friends of Kartika and Usman.


Because it coincided with Khalisa's birthday, the event decorations were quite festive. Balloons adorned Kartika and Usman's house in the Kalibata area, Jakarta.


The second child of Kartika was born normally at home. Kartika, who has a phobia of hospitals, chose to give birth at home with the assistance of a specially brought doctor team.


It took Kartika 2 days to give birth to her second child. When the second day came and the baby still hadn't been born, Usman whispered to Kartika's stomach and their child was immediately born into the world.


This is the atmosphere of the aqiqah at Kartika's house. It's not very luxurious, but beautiful with decorations in shades of purple and pink, which are the favorite colors of Kartika's first child.