For the past 15 years, Poppy Sovia has been suffering from depression. She has spoken up about the mental condition she has been experiencing all this time.
What is the portrait of Poppy Sovia's struggle against depression like? Find out here!
For the past 15 years, Poppy Sovia has been suffering from depression. She has spoken up about the mental condition she has been experiencing all this time.
What is the portrait of Poppy Sovia's struggle against depression like? Find out here!
Despite appearing strong all this time, it turns out Poppy Sovia has been suffering from a serious mental health condition. She revealed this through Luna Maya's Youtube channel.
It is recently known that the mother of one has been suffering from depression since 2007. Poppy also shared her struggle against depression.
When diagnosed with depression, Poppy Sovia did not immediately seek treatment from a psychiatrist. She only started treatment in 2009.
The symptoms experienced by Poppy were severe, she admitted that she couldn't differentiate between day and night when depression struck.
Eventually, Poppy gathered the courage to seek treatment from a psychiatrist and undergo therapy for her recovery. She also took medication prescribed by the doctor.
Her journey was not easy, but the artist known for having many tattoos managed to overcome it. She no longer isolates herself and channels her emotions through her hobbies.
"Everyone has lost, everyone has made mistakes, had problems, but look at where it ends," said Poppy Sovia.
I really admire Poppy Sovia's confession and struggle regarding mental issues. What do KLovers think?
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