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Portrait of Rafathar Successfully Winning a Gold Medal at the School Swimming Competition, Netizens: Very Cool Aa

Portrait of Rafathar Successfully Winning a Gold Medal at the School Swimming Competition, Netizens: Very Cool Aa Portrait of Rafathar Successfully Winning a Gold Medal at the Swimming Competition. (instagram/raffinagita1717/rieta_amilia) -

The school swimming competition became a stage for Rafathar Malik Ahmad to showcase his talent. The eldest son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina successfully won a gold medal in the swimming competition held at ACS Jakarta on February 26, 2025. Rafathar's success immediately caught the public's attention.

The moment of victory for Rafathar was shared through Instagram posts by his close ones. One of the posts came from his grandmother's account, Rieta Amilia, as well as his mother's account, Nagita Slavina. In the photo shared, Rafathar is seen standing on the podium as a winner, wearing a swimming uniform with a medal hanging around his neck.

Not only that, posts from the Instagram accounts @raffinagita and @rieta_amilia also showcase this emotional moment. Let's take a look at the excitement of this moment.

1. Rafathar's Moment at the School Swimming Competition

The swimming competition held at ACS Jakarta on February 26, 2025, became a platform for students to showcase their talents. Rafathar, known as the child of famous celebrity parents, participated in the event. Despite being still young, he was able to compete with other participants and performed enthusiastically in the swimming lane.

2. Rafathar Wins Gold Medal

Rafathar's success in this competition gained attention after he managed to win a gold medal. In a photo that circulated, Rafathar looked proud standing on the podium with two other medalists. He wore a yellow shirt with the gold medal hanging around his neck, symbolizing his achievement in the competition.

3. Proud Response from Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina

As parents, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina certainly feel proud of their son's achievement. Raffi posted this moment on his personal Instagram with the caption, "Yeayyy Rafathar @acsjakarta," which emphasizes his happiness seeing his child succeed in this competition.

4. Netizen Comments Praising Rafathar

The post uploaded by Raffi Ahmad and Rieta Amilia received thousands of comments from netizens. Many of them praised Rafathar for his efforts in this competition.

"SO COOL RAFATHAR!!!!! Can't wait for the other medal collections brooo." Said @dorapeta

"Never shared swimming practice and suddenly a champion." Expressed @shan.g458

"Congratulations my dear baby. Keep up the training and excel in the field you love." Said @rinindah1

5. Rafathar's Potential in the Sports World

This swimming competition also serves as a platform to show that Rafathar has great potential in the sports world. Since he was a child, he has been introduced to various physical activities that have shaped him into a talented young athlete. This achievement could be the beginning for Rafathar to continue developing in the world of sports.

That is the portrait of Rafathar successfully winning a gold medal at the swimming competition. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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