Kapanlagi.com - Revalina S. Temat just turned 37 on November 26th. On her special day, she received a romantic video greeting from her husband, Rendy Aditya Gunawan.
In the caption of the reels video on Instagram accounts @kngrendy and @vatemat, which was uploaded on her birthday Revalina S. Temat, her husband, Rendy Aditya Gunawan expressed gratitude for having a wife with a beautiful face and a patient heart.
As uploaded by Instagram accounts @kngrendy and @vatemat, seen on Thursday (30/11/2023), it showed the romantic greetings from Revalina S. Temat's husband on her birthday.
1. Revalina S. Temat's 37th Birthday

Portrait of Revalina S. Temat and husband (Source: Instagram/kngrendy and Instagram/vatemat)
Revalina S.Temat received romantic wishes from her husband, Rendy Aditya Gunawan, on her birthday. In the caption of the video reels posted on Instagram accounts @kngrendy and @vatemat, her husband congratulated her with prayers and gratitude for having a wife like Revalina S.Temat, who has changed his life.
"Dear wife,
Many men might have a beautiful wife, some men might have a kind-hearted wife, and few men might have an understanding wife.
But having a beautiful, kind-hearted, and understanding wife all in one package?! Now that is something rare. I am glad that I got that rare thing in my life.
I still wonder how you can understand my every single gesture, every unspoken word?
I know I am not an easy guy, I am short-tempered, impatient and quick to judge, but you never let me feel any less of me. You always loved and respected me the same, even during the times when I was least loveable. Thank you for turning my life around and changing me into who I am now.I love you with all my heart.
Happy birthday to you, my Love.
I hope your special day is filled with love joy and blessings.May Allah bless you with good health, happiness, and prosperity.May Allah grant you beautiful future and fulfill all your dreams.May Allah carry our love to jannah..Aamiin ya rabbalalamin. “
2. Revalina S. Temat and Family

Portrait of Revalina S. Temat and family swimming (Source: Instagram/kngrendy and Instagram/vatemat)
Rarely appearing on screen, now Revalina S. Temat is playing in the soap opera "Don't Divorce, Mom" as Nabila. Besides being busy with work, she also takes responsibility for taking care of her husband and two children. Married on March 15, 2015, she has been blessed with two children named Rihga Sadiwasakti Rabbani and Rajendra Satya Razzani.
3. Close to Family

Portrait of Revalina S. Temat and family (Source: Instagram/kngrendy and Instagram/vatemat)
Revalina S. Temat often goes on vacation with her husband and children. She always takes advantage of the time to be with her little family. It's no wonder they look very close and compact.
4. Spending Quality Time with Husband

Portrait of Revalina S. Temat and husband at an event (Source: Instagram/kngrendy and Instagram/vatemat)
Besides spending a lot of time with family, Revalina S. Temat and her husband often have quality time together to strengthen their bond. Spending time alone together also makes their relationship more harmonious and understanding of each other.
5. Long-lasting Relationship of Revalina S. Temat and Husband

Selfie portrait of Revalina S. Temat and husband (Source: Instagram/kngrendy and Instagram/vatemat)
Entering their 8th year of marriage, the relationship between Revalina S. Temat and Rendy Aditya Gunawan has become even stronger. They have committed to always be together no matter the circumstances and see challenges as opportunities to become better individuals.
6. How many children does Revalina S. Temat have?
Her first son was born in 2016 and named Rihga Sadiwasakti Rabbani. The eldest is now 7 years old. Meanwhile, her second child named Rajendra Rajendra Satya Razzani was born in 2019. Revalina S. Temat's second child just turned 4 years old.
7. At what age did Revalina S. Temat get married?
Revalina S. Temat ended her single life at the age of 30, accepted a proposal from Rendi Aditya, and got married in 2015.
8. What is Rendy Aditya Gunawan's occupation?
Rendy, who is known to have a hobby of traveling and photography, is a top-class businessman. He immortalizes his photography hobby on his personal Instagram.
9. What is the Best Age to Get Married?
The ideal age for marriage, both physically and mentally, is 20 to 25 years old for women and 25 to 30 years old for men. At that age, both women and men are capable of thinking maturely and responsibly.
10. What is the Youngest Age to Get Married?
According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), 33.76% of young people in Indonesia got married for the first time between the ages of 19-21 in 2022. Furthermore, 27.07% of young people in the country got married for the first time between the ages of 22-24.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.