Not Long Anymore to Give Birth, 8 Photos of Syahrini Showing off her Baby Bump Accompanied by Reino Barack - Happiness Shines
Syahrini is staying in Singapore during her pregnancy. - Syahrini will soon become a mother. With only a few days left, the wife of Reino Barack will welcome the birth of their first child, which has been eagerly anticipated by many people.
After announcing her pregnancy, Syahrini has been diligent in uploading photos that show her baby bump. She also shares her activities during pregnancy, whether alone or with her husband.
On Wednesday night (26/6/2024), Syahrini shared two photos that made many people happy and even more impatient for the baby's arrival. The woman commonly known as Incess uploaded a photo of her baby's room on Insta Story!
The first photo shows the shelves and wardrobe in the room. Clothes and other items are neatly arranged. There are also small shoes. In addition, the walls are made of wood with a thick carpet on the floor.
"My world has changed," Syahrini wrote in the photo.
In the next photo, there is a small bed that will be used as a place for her child in the future. There are small socks on the door of the shelf.
"Oh Allah, I can't wait," she wrote.
Who else can't wait to see Incess' child? Hopefully, Syahrini stays healthy and has a smooth delivery later on!
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Syahrini is staying in Singapore during her pregnancy.
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