These celebrities have homes that they lived in during their childhood. Some have been owned by others, but there are also homes that are still occupied by their families.
What do these homes look like? Let's find out!
Indonesian Celebrity Homes
These celebrities have homes that they lived in during their childhood. Some have been owned by others, but there are also homes that are still occupied by their families.
What do these homes look like? Let's find out!
This is the childhood home of Ria Ricis located in Batam. The house is not for sale and is still well-maintained.
This is the childhood home of Luna Maya located in Bali. The house is quite beautiful and is still inhabited by her mother, Desa Maya Waltaraud Maiyer.
This is a portrait of the simple house of Ahmad Dhani that he lived in from 1977 to 1984. This room has 2 bedrooms, and he used to sleep together with his other siblings in one room.
This is Andre Taulany's simple childhood home. Now, after success, he lives in a super big house.
This is Andhika Pratama's childhood home in Malang. This house is still inhabited by Andhika's parents.
Caesar Hito also once showed his childhood home filled with classic ornaments.
Hotman Paris once visited his childhood home in North Sumatra. Unlike the wealth he has now, the house appears simple.
Photos of Nia Ramadhani and Ardie Bakrie's luxurious room. They have a walk-in closet and a spacious bathroom.
You may be familiar with this former president, but do you know what his house looks like?
Ian Kasela, the leader of the band Radja, turns out to have a luxurious residence.
What is Kiwil's residence like with his second wife, Meggy? Their house looks very comfortable. Instead of being curious, let's take a look here.
This is a photo of Hary Tanoe's house described by his daughter, Liliana Tanoe. What does it look like?
A series of Ahok's houses in Belitung, let's take a look at how luxurious the house is.
A row of Hary Tanoesoedibjo's luxurious houses like five-star hotels, really? Let's take a peek.
Not many people know about Andhika Pratama's parents' life, especially since they live in Malang. This time, their beautiful house is captured in various angles. Let's take a peek!
A series of appearances of Ayu Dewi's house that is simple but also considered spacious, there is even a playground for children. Let's take a look.
Just occupied for 9 months, this is a portrait of Ihsan Tarore's house. It feels refreshing because of the many plants.
Photos of Mandra's house. The land area reaches 2 hectares and has a family grave in the yard.
Her culinary business was once closed, and now it has reopened. This is the atmosphere at Tamara Bleszynski's restaurant called Teh Manis.