Amidst the uproar of the DNA test case aimed at Ical, Daus Mini's child, netizens are instead focusing on Yunita Lestari's new husband named Haney Ariska Febrianto. Despite being a stepfather, it seems that Haney sincerely gives his love to Ical. Curious about what their close relationship looks like in photos?
Portrait of the Close Relationship between Haney, Yunita Lestari's New Husband, and Ical, Attentive like His Own Child
Instagram Photos
This is a portrait of the happy family of Yunita Lestari with her new husband, Haney Ariska Febrianto.
From their marriage, this couple was blessed with the presence of a son who automatically becomes Ical's younger brother.
Although they already have a child with Yunita, Haney still shares his love equally with Abyan Ravindra Kiano and Ical's older brother.
Seen on Haney and Yunita's Instagram accounts, you can see various photos of the closeness between the child and his stepfather.
Considering Ical as his own flesh and blood, Haney always helps Yunita in taking care of the child, even when he is about to go to school.
Just look at how much Haney loves Ical. He also helps his son wear his uniform properly and neatly.
It's not surprising, because Haney and Ical have been close like a father and son since their relationship status was still dating Yunita.
Now, when his wife is facing a test and Ical is asked for a DNA test, Haney is ready to stand up and protect his family. So sweet! ;)
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