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Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law


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Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

The Indonesian music world is mourning. Carlo Saba, one of the founders and vocalists of Kahitna, passed away on Wednesday (19/4/2023). Currently, the deceased's body is being laid in state at the funeral home in Rumah Sentosa, Senen, Central Jakarta.

Carlo's family, including his sister-in-law, Verlita Evelyn, couldn't hold back their sadness over the loss of the musician. Here's a portrait of Verlita when she couldn't hold back her tears at the funeral home!

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Verlita Evelyn upon arriving at the funeral home. She immediately burst into tears and was tightly embraced by her relatives.

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Verlita was also hugged by other relatives and still couldn't hold back her tears seeing her brother-in-law now in the casket.

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Verlita's relatives seemed to be trying to calm the actress down, who appeared to be trying to calm herself down.


After calming down a bit, Verlita seemed to be trying to be strong and still trying to be given strength.

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Verlita along with her husband and other family members also seemed unable to hold back their sadness.

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

When interviewed by the media, Verlita seemed to be the most unable to hold back her sadness.


As a result, she still looked crying and her eyes were very swollen. Truly shocked by Carlo's departure.

Portrait of Verlita Evelyn's Tears at Carlo Saba's Funeral Home, Sad for Losing Her Brother-in-law

Rest in peace, Carlo Saba. May the family left behind be given strength.

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