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Posting About the Good Deeds of Eril, Ridwan Kamil: If Only We Could Swap Places

Posting About the Good Deeds of Eril, Ridwan Kamil: If Only We Could Swap Places Ridwan Kamil © - Although Ridwan Kamil has already accepted the departure of his son, Emmeril Khan Mumtadz or Eril, he and his family are still grieving. Through his social media account, he has not stopped writing letters that touch many people's hearts.

Especially in his latest Instagram post last Sunday (5/6). Starting his post with the basmalah and an apology, the Governor of West Java described the good deeds of the late Eril during his lifetime.

"Allow me, as Eril's father, to testify to his contributions and spirit of life. I know very well that if Eril were still here, he would not be too happy if his good deeds were told. However, according to the advice of the ulama, it is my duty as a father, and it is Eril's right, who has passed away and must be fulfilled," wrote Ridwan Kamil.

He added, "This is also a million reasons why we have already accepted his departure. Hopefully, it will be pleasing and hopefully, everyone can take the lesson from it. Jazakallah. Hatur Nuhun."

1. Ridwan Kamil's Touching Post

Titled 'WHEN WILL WE RETURN?', Ridwan Kamil's post successfully caught the attention of more than 16.5 million of his followers on Instagram. At first, he wrote about how life is a journey, and we must prepare ourselves before reaching our destination.

"Life in this world is actually about the journey, not the destination. And like the story of every journey, the tale always begins at a starting point. And the story will end at a finishing point. And for everyone who comes, there will surely be a time to return home.

To ensure a safe journey, we must prepare the road signs and supplies. The road signs are faith. The supplies for the journey are anfauhum linnas, which is a bag containing the rewards of our good deeds," he wrote.

2. His Heart Shattered into Pieces

Still in the same post, Ridwan Kamil also mentioned how his heart shattered into pieces. Although he had let go of his son's departure, he still wanted to switch places and replace Eril.

"If only we could switch places. If only. Surely that's what every parent would do. But human logic is not the same as fate's decree. And if you hear his mother's tears every night and his father's silent roar, it's only because our hearts are shattered into pieces," he explained.

He also added, "Right now, we are reaching for the rope of faith and sincerity, so that we can guide ourselves to adapt to this fate."

3. Revealing Eril's Goodness and Calling Him a Hero

Furthermore, he also mentioned Eril's kindness during his lifetime. Starting from buying Eid clothes for orphans, and giving THR money to security guards. Ridwan Kamil also mentioned that Eril continued to work while helping his parents and studying.

Eril is also a diligent worshipper and philanthropist, he even once braved the rain to distribute charity to orphanages and the needy. Even before disappearing and being swept away by the Aare river, Eril prohibited his mother from entering the river and gave his life jacket to his younger sibling.

"You are truly a hero. Indeed, you secretly prepared for the journey home, Ril, may Allah bless you," wrote Ridwan Kamil.

At the end of his post, Ridwan added, "The Aare river will shine brightly, because millions of prayers will become a light that illuminates your current peaceful place, Ril. Until we meet again, when you open that gate."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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