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Posting Old Videos with Maia Estianty, Ahmad Dhani Closes Comment Column

Posting Old Videos with Maia Estianty, Ahmad Dhani Closes Comment Column Ahmad Dhani - Maia Estianty. © Herdianto - Lately, the names Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty have become a topic of conversation again. This is because they were both on the same television show.

The interaction between Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty on the Indonesian Idol program recently has attracted a lot of attention. Even now, many netizens are still discussing it.

Through that moment, Dhani and Maia showed that they now have a good relationship. Dhani even uploaded a documentary video featuring Maia in it.

1. Old Video

Through his Youtube account VIDEO LEGEND, Ahmad Dhani uploaded an old documentary video titled 'REVEALED! FINALLY MAIA ESTIANTY PLAYS KEYBOARD FOR THE SONG PUPUS TOGETHER WITH DEWA19'.

Yup in the video, it can be seen that Maia is helping Dewa 19 during a rehearsal in the studio. In the video, Maia looks so sweet, at that time she was around 24 years old.

2. Comment Section Closed

Various opinions from netizens about the moment Dhani and Maia appeared on the same television show have indeed emerged on social media. Of course, there are positive comments, but there are also many who write negative messages.

Well, for his old documentary video that includes Maia Estianty, Ahmad Dhani decided to close the comment section on the post.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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