Wedding anniversaries are always a special moment for many couples, including Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos. They recently celebrated it with their family. Krisdayanti was very affectionate with Raul at that time. Take a closer look!
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Wedding anniversaries are always a special moment for many couples, including Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos. They recently celebrated it with their family. Krisdayanti was very affectionate with Raul at that time. Take a closer look!
As a couple who are no longer young, Krisdayanti and Raul Lemos are often referred to as couple goals. This is because they remain affectionate and romantic despite being married for years.
Recently, Krisdayanti and Raul once again showed their affection on their wedding anniversary. Yes, they even kissed to celebrate the special day.
This is not the first time Raul and Krisdayanti have kissed in front of the camera. It can still be remembered that in 2010, they caused a stir when they kissed in front of journalists.
The moment immediately garnered various reactions. The KPI even intervened and issued a warning to the television station that aired the moment.
Not only that, because of the intimacy, Raul and Krisdayanti were even reported to the police by the NGO Hajar led by Farhat Abbas.
At that time, Krisdayanti did not remain silent. She also apologized for her kissing action. Krisdayanti said, the moment happened spontaneously.
"From the bottom of my heart, through this press conference, I want to apologize, so that the door of forgiveness can be opened as wide as possible for me," said Krisdayanti who was accompanied by Elsie Lontoh in July 2010.
"At that press conference, we accidentally showed a spontaneous movement with my partner," continued the singer of the song I'm Sorry Goodbye.
"The attitude was really unplanned and now it's in the spotlight, many are criticizing. It's just a reflection of a woman who is falling in love, without intending to hurt anyone," she added.
Time rolled on for 13 years after that and Krisdayanti still continues to show affection. Not only on wedding anniversary moments but also on various occasions.
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