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Prilly's Walk In Closet Becomes the Largest Room in the Family's House

Prilly's Walk In Closet Becomes the Largest Room in the Family's House Prilly © Akrom Sukarya - Prilly Latuconsina a beautiful actress who is still young has now succeeded in having her own house, which looks big and luxurious. In Prilly's house, the spotlight is on the walk-in closet which has now become a bedroom.

This was known through Boy William's Youtube channel, who was visiting Prilly's house. The walk-in closet in Prilly's house, which has now become a bedroom, is one of the biggest rooms in her house and is used by her family as well.

"Is this the biggest room?" Boy William asked Prilly.

"Yes, because actually it's based on one wenny, so it's not like just because it's my house, my room has to be the biggest. But my needs require it to be this size because of my clothes, bags, shoes. If my parents' room doesn't have a closet like this", Prilly answered.

1. Prilly's Former Simple House

Before having a house as big as now, Prilly used to have a simple house with ordinary rooms.

"Well, it's not that special. This ordinary house is like a regular children's room with a normal wardrobe, just ordinary like that", said Prilly.

2. Wants to Be a Doctor

After explaining Prilly's previous and current house, Prilly revealed that despite not having any dreams, she actually wants to become a doctor.

"But I also don't have any big dreams or anything, I just wish to be an ordinary girl who wants to become a doctor", said Prilly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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