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Psychologist on the Breakup of Kaesang Pangarep and Felicia Tissue's Relationship, Understandable If Mother is Angry

Psychologist on the Breakup of Kaesang Pangarep and Felicia Tissue's Relationship, Understandable If Mother is Angry © Fadhli - The breakup of the relationship between Kaesang Pangarep and Felicia Tissue has become the talk of many people. Moreover, the youngest son of President Joko Widodo is rumored to have left his girlfriend abruptly.

This has apparently sparked anger from Felicia's family. Starting from her mother to her sister, they express their disappointment in Kaesang.

1. Reasonable Anger

Regarding this matter, Imaculata Umiyati, who is a psychologist, revealed that the anger and disappointment expressed by Felicia's family is reasonable. Moreover, their relationship has lasted for 5 years.

"This means that both sides of the family have mutual respect, proven by the many family moments attended by both sides. In Javanese terms, it's called rembuk tuwo, but suddenly it's not working," she said when contacted by phone on Monday (15/3).

2. Even the President is Surprised

Ima, who is familiarly known as Bunda Ima, also believes that President Joko Widodo might be surprised by his daughter's decision. However, it is unlikely that he will disclose such matters.

"Bunda Ima advises Felicia to stay strong in this very difficult and heavy episode. There are many people who love you, Felicia, you are a good girl. Continue your life mission and stay a good person," she said.

Bunda Ima hopes that netizens will not judge Felicia's mother, as it is common for any parent to experience such things when their child is left after 5 years of dating and immediately finds a new lover and plans to get engaged.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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