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Rachel Venya Uploads Photo with a Man Allegedly her New Boyfriend, Netizens: Handsome Version of Okin

Rachel Venya Uploads Photo with a Man Allegedly her New Boyfriend, Netizens: Handsome Version of Okin Rachel Venya: - Without further ado, it seems that Rachel Venya has found a new companion after divorcing her husband 2 months ago. Recently, she uploaded a photo of her with a man who is rumored by netizens to be a replacement for her ex-husband, Niko Al Hakim.

1. Tampak Sumringah

In the post, Rachel looks very happy when she is with the foreign-looking man. Wearing a black shirt, she smiles towards the camera. Unlike her ex-husband Niko Al Hakim, who displayed a smiling expression, the man looks expressionless.

Happy Cheli,” she wrote in the post.

2. Mirip Niko

Her closeness with this unidentified man received various responses from netizens, one of whom mentioned that his appearance is similar to her ex-husband but more handsome.

“Looks like Okin, but even more handsome,” expressed one netizen.

“Kind of similar to the old one, right,” tweeted a netizen in the comment section.

“Handsome version of Niko,” wrote a netizen.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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