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Raffi Ahmad Establishes Snack Factory for Rafathar and Rayyanza's Savings

Raffi Ahmad Establishes Snack Factory for Rafathar and Rayyanza's Savings

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Raffi Ahmad Establishes Snack Factory for Rafathar and Rayyanza's Savings

Raffi Ahmad is venturing into the Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG) business by establishing a snack factory called PT Rans Nikmat Sejahtera (PT RNS). This time, Raffi Ahmad apparently involves his two children, Rafathar and Rayyanza, in his new business.

Raffi Ahmad Establishes Snack Factory for Rafathar and Rayyanza's Savings

"We used to collaborate with others, but this one is our own, it's called Rumut, which is seaweed," said Raffi Ahmad at the Rans Office in BSD, Tangerang, on Friday (12/1/2024).

Raffi Ahmad Establishes Snack Factory for Rafathar and Rayyanza's Savings

In building his new business, Raffi needed two years of research to find out if his product could be accepted by the public. 


For the first product, he launched seaweed products with Rafathar's picture and various flavor variants. Then he created a new product with Rayyanza's picture, also known as Cipung.


"So that there's no jealousy, we also prepared Rayyanza, the Cipung version. So if Rafathar (his product) can be eaten directly, Cipung is sprinkled like that," he said.


Raffi involved Rafathar and Rayyanza for a reason. The husband of Nagita Slavina wants the results of his new business to become savings for his children's future.


Raffi hopes that in the future, Rafathar and Rayyanza don't have to work hard.


"Well, it's because we're parents, we don't want our child to work hard, there's something that we can monetize without making them tired," he concluded.


Once known as a playboy, Raffi Ahmad is now known as a family man. This snack factory is said to be a manifestation of his love for his family.