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Raffi Ahmad Surprised by Rafathar's Insistence to Be Circumcised Twice

Raffi Ahmad Surprised by Rafathar's Insistence to Be Circumcised Twice Raffi Ahmad and family © Santoso - The son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina is growing up. After completing a trip around the world with his parents and entourage some time ago, now Rafathar wants to be circumcised.

Yes, this was known from Raffi's Instagram story post on Thursday (12/3). Raffi embraced Rafathar and asked, "Who wants to be circumcised?". Rafathar immediately raised his finger.

1. Rafathar Asks His Father to Be Circumcised Too

Raffi then asked about his son's readiness. "Are you ready?". The answer that came out of Rafathar's mouth was unexpected. "Papa (also wants to be circumcised)," Rafathar said.

Raffi then offered to just accompany him, but the almost 5-year-old child insisted that his father also be circumcised. "No, papa also be circumcised," he said.

2. Raffi Circumcised Twice?

Upon hearing that, Raffi was surprised. "Huh? Papa got circumcised twice?" said the presenter and actor who has been active since his teenage years. Apparently, Rafathar still insists that his father also gets circumcised.

Certainly, this conversation shows how close the two of them are. Not only that, Rafathar's mischief. Previously, he was caught pretending to sleep on Friday (6/3) last week.

3. Rafathar Pretends to Sleep

At that time, Rafathar attended the launch event of RANS' latest album. After explaining the RANS album to the media, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina were asked to sing on stage.

When they were about to sing a song, Nagita Slavina invited Rafathar to sing along with his father and mother on stage. What made all the media laugh was when Rafathar was called by Gigi, he pretended to sleep instead.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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