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Rarely Noticed! 7 Portraits of Fashionista Brenda Salim, Ferry Salim's Daughter Who is Currently Studying in the UK - Contemporary Style Can Be an Inspiration

Rarely Noticed! 7 Portraits of Fashionista Brenda Salim, Ferry Salim's Daughter Who is Currently Studying in the UK - Contemporary Style Can Be an Inspiration photo credit: - Ferry Salim is a senior Indonesian artist, his name is unquestionable in the entertainment industry in the country. Ferry has also successfully starred in various films. This father of three is known for always appearing with a contemporary style, really fashionable.

The family of Ferry Salim is known to be very harmonious and compact on various occasions. Not only Ferry, but his children's activities are also very stylish. One of Ferry Salim's children, Brandon Salim, also entered the entertainment industry in the country, unlike Brenda Salim who is rarely seen on camera. Curious about the charm of Ferry Salim's second child? Let's take a look at the portrait of Brenda Salim below.


1. Brenda is known for her always fashionable appearance, especially now that she is a UK student, she's even cooler.

2. Looking stunning with her long flowing hair, making you swoon, right?

3. Brenda's outfit can be an inspiration for KLovers, this sweater is actually her father's.

4. Brenda's OOTD is unbeatable, so cool. She looks like a local there, doesn't she?

5. Doesn't this outfit have a boys' concept? The black color looks good on Brenda.

6. It is known that Brenda will be studying in the UK in early 2022, the Ferry Salim family is so close that they even held a farewell party for her.

7. Does Brenda have a desire to follow in her father and brother's footsteps and enter the entertainment industry?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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