As a couple, Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel haven't shown much affection in public. Nevertheless, their relationship is serious. Recently, it was revealed how Sarah is ready to convert to Islam following Azriel. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
As a couple, Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel haven't shown much affection in public. Nevertheless, their relationship is serious. Recently, it was revealed how Sarah is ready to convert to Islam following Azriel. Here are the details.
Away from the camera's spotlight, Azriel and Sarah have become one of the favorite couples among netizens. They are known to be humble, simple, and down-to-earth despite being well-known in the entertainment industry.
Interestingly, although they seem closed off, their relationship is not to be taken lightly. Yes, recently they were found discussing about a deeper relationship.
Sarah, who is known to embrace Hinduism, even expressed her readiness to convert to Islam following Azriel. This was revealed in The Hermansyah A6 Youtube channel.
"In the future, if Sarah can be given a way, just wait for the right time, guys," said Azriel. He also emphasized that he never forced Sarah to convert.
"This is not coercion, but her mom has already given permission, as long as it's from her own willingness. So, this is not coercion, I never force her," Azriel continued.
Furthermore, Sarah revealed that her parents came from different religions. Nevertheless, they have remained harmonious until now.
"Because my parents have different religions, but my dad converted, because my mom is both girls, and my mom is the oldest. So, if my mom followed my dad, there would be no one continuing the religion, because my mom's younger sister has followed her husband," explained Sarah.
As known, as Azriel's girlfriend, Sarah is already close to Anang-Ashanty's family. Azriel himself is also well accepted by Sarah's family.
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