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Ready to Release the Headband After the Child is Born, Check out 9 Pictures of Atta Halilintar's Style Without Wearing a Bandana

Ready to Release the Headband After the Child is Born, Check out 9 Pictures of Atta Halilintar's Style Without Wearing a Bandana


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Ready to Release the Headband After the Child is Born, Check out 9 Pictures of Atta Halilintar's Style Without Wearing a Bandana

Aurel Hermansyah is currently pregnant with the first child of Atta Halilintar. And as a gesture of love, Atta promised to remove his headband when their first child is born. As known, Atta himself is known for always wearing a bandana.

So, what does Atta look like without wearing his headband? Check out the photos here!


During the recent Eid, Atta Halilintar removed his headband.


Despite having to remove its distinctive features, Atta still looks handsome and gallant.


In some moments, Atta also removes his headband. Like when playing soccer some time ago.


Initially, it was a bit strange to see Atta without his headband. However, it turns out he still looks worthy.


In fact, many people say that Atta's appearance without the bandana is like Ariel NOAH.


And not long ago, Atta also promised his wife that he would remove his headband after their child is born.


As previously known, since the beginning of his appearance, Atta himself has never been seen without wearing a bandana.


Even in every moment such as sports, weddings, and other moments, Atta never takes off his bandana.


Well, those were the series of portraits of Atta Halilintar when he's not wearing his headband. What do you think, KLovers?


KLovers, there is still a lot of interesting information here!