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Relaxed Style of Cinta Brian and Zoe Jackson While Reading the Script 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI', Regardless of the Roll Still in the Hair

Relaxed Style of Cinta Brian and Zoe Jackson While Reading the Script 'BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI', Regardless of the Roll Still in the Hair Zoe Jackson - Cinta Brian © - The process behind the scenes of making the soap opera BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI always attracts public attention. Especially if the behind the scenes moment shows the two main actors, Cinta Brian and Zoe Jackson, which makes netizens even more excited. 

Not without reason, the couple Cinta Brian and Zoe Jackson successfully make netizens emotionally carried away. In fact, many of these netizens continue to pray for Cinta and Zoe to be together. 

Like recently, the official Instagram account of BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI uploaded moments of Cinta Brian and Zoe Jackson reading the script for several soap opera scenes. In there, the actors Dewa and Nana appear so relaxed while reading the script from the scriptwriter.


1. Relaxed Reading the Script

Cinta Brian casually sits and leans back in a chair with crossed legs. Even so, his face still looks very serious. Unlike Cinta Brian, Zoe is more relaxed, with her hair still in a bun, Zoe looks engrossed in reading the script while wearing sunglasses. 

"If it's sunny during the day, wearing sunglasses is the most suitable, but is it okay if I borrow your glasses, admin?," writes the official Instagram account of BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI.

2. Observe Health Protocols

Filming during a pandemic like this, the cast of BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI continues to strictly adhere to health protocols. In fact, before starting filming, the cast, crew, and staff must undergo swab tests to ensure a conducive filming environment.

On the other hand, the cast also feels very happy with the facilities provided by the company, which is none other than Sinemart. They feel that the company is taking good care of the health of everyone involved in BUKU HARIAN SEORANG ISTRI.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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